AGWTracker Pocket
Version (1APR2009). It behaves well on devices with Large screens Now you can use an alternate Icon/symbols set. In the cab there is an alternate set. To change it go to File/Properties/Labels.
Be Aware that the program is not Free it needs registration .However if you cannot affort it then just use it unregistered. br /> How to Install
Download from Downloads section the zip which contains a Cab Installer.
Unzip it and upload it to PDA using ActiveSync.
Using FileExplorer on PPC just click the .cab file and the installation will begin.
For Maps upload maps to MyPictures or any other public directory. Do not forget to Include also the corresponding .inf file. Map files are compatibly with AGWTracker and UIView maps.
Supported Format are for Raster maps .bmp,.jpg,.gif,.png
Supports also shape vector files .

Registration and Fees.
The program provides free unlimited trial period, but you will need to register and pay a fee of $28 USD if you find it useful.
You can register and pay by contacting BMT, a company that handles my registrations. You can register from {their web site} (there is also an internet registration link within the program) or by fax or by toll free telephone. You can pay with most credit cards or by money order, personal check, Euro check, and some other options.
After you register, I will send you a registration key to enter into the program 'Registration' screen. To ensure you receive your registration key as quickly as possible, please include the following info in the "Comments" section of your order form:
1. You Name.
2. Your Callsign
3. The "Key to Send" string that the program generates from the 'Registration' screen.
4. The way you wish to receive your registration number – specify you Email or Postal Address.
5. A phone number — in case of a problem
A secure URL to register online now with a credit card.
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